After watching several vlogs by Casey Neistat on YouTube I was interested by his Stop Motion jig he had set up and fancied giving it a go. Because my whole blog, YouTube channel and Facebook page are all VW orientated I wanted to come up with something based around that. I decided on the VW logo and making it out of LEGO. I started by creating a jig, again based on Casey Neistat's but used UPVC pipe to make it easy to adjust to the dimensions I wanted. It is quite large and probably a lot bigger than I need but just makes it more flexible for the type of camera and shot I want to produce. As you can see below it's a very basic setup. My main issue was lighting and I have since bought some different ones but have yet to try them.

The camera I used was my GoPro Hero 3+ Black which was great because it has the integrated timelapse feature. The only problem was that I ended up with all the shots looking like they had a fish eye filter applied due to the GoPro lens, even though it was on the narrow option. Easily rectified though by running through the GoPro software.
Click below link to see the finished video.
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